AICE Media Studies Film Blog

                                                                        Film Blog

Hello I’m Omare and welcome back to another blog. First day of filming  was amazing. I was able to get a good 30 seconds of my movie film done. I was able to do my first scene where I had my self in my Jason Voorhees costume. I filmed a wide shot. A wide shot, also called a long shot or a full shot, is a shot that shows the subject within their surrounding environment. A wide shot tells the audience who is in the scene, where the scene is set, and when the scene takes place. Then I was able to film a zoom shot getting a close up of me in my costume. A zoom shot is when the focal length of a camera lens is adjusted to give the illusion of moving closer or further away from the subject. Zoom shots are done with a zoom lens, which have variable focal shots. Next week I hope to edit. Also I plan to finish my music video. I’m going to do a scene where it shows a closeup of me shooting a basketball. Then I plan to film me doing a couple of jump scares. Then I hope to get a back and forth shot with me running and chasing after someone. Then I hope to end it off with death scene. I already know the hardest part of all this is probably the editing. Editing is the process of putting a film together–the selection and arrangement of shots and scenes. But to sum it all up. I really enjoyed first day and can’t wait for the next.


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