AICE Media Studies Research Blog
Research Blog
Welcome back to another blog. Today I will be doing research on the music video Basketball by Kurtis Blow. This is probably the most famous song written about the sport of basketball. Kurtis is a huge fan, and wanted to pay tribute. The song was recorded and released in 1984. The idea of the song came from Kurtis Blow's wife. Kurtis wanted to make a song that had never been made before so his wife suggested that he make a song about basketball. The music uses various lighting to have a bright positive mood. The music video also uses various jump cuts. One instance of this is when the song goes from Kurtis singing to then jump cuts to a scene of someone dunking the basketball. In filmmaking, a jump cut is an edit to a single, sequential shot that makes the action appear to leap forward in time. After the cut, the subject may appear in a different position or attitude, or the camera position may be slightly different. The music video also implements a fade out or dissolving method. For instance the Music shifts from Kurtis Blow singing then dissolves to a scene of them on the court. In the post-production process of film editing and video editing. A dissolve is a type of film transition in which one sequence fades over another. The terms fade-out and fade-in are used to describe a transition to and from a blank image. This is in contrast to a cut, where there is no such transition. The song Basketball was an automatic hit. The song is used in many NBA video games and games. Thank you and I hope to see you in my next blog.
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