AICE Media Studies Genre Research Blog (The Nun)

                                                                    The Nun

 Common cams used in the film The Nun there were extreme close up shots when the movie would show the characters being terrorized by the nun or To create emphasis on jump scares. Wide shots when showing the full view of people trying to escape from the nun. Costumes used in the film were church robes for the nun and older piece of clothing to represent the past times, lighting was dark. Make-up used was cuts dirt and blood to show how the character fought for survival. Make up also used was a white foundation to make the character seem even more terrifying. Sounds often used were slow paced creepy instrumentals to signify trouble was near. The movie also included plenty of Jump cuts. The movie used the genres of Horror and Thriller. I enjoyed the genre thriller that the movie displayed it was action pact and left the Viewer on edge. I believe that there could have been more jump scares. 


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