AICE Media Studies Editing Blog


Hi, Hello, my name is Omare, and thank you for returning to another blog. So far, the second day of editing has been a success. I was able to watch half of the horror film. In my horror film, I was able to edit myself slashing and killing. Then I added the actual sound effect to the video. So for the first few seconds, I'm slashing and killing. Then it cuts to a close-up shot of me watching the people trying to flee; a close-up shot is a type of camera shot size used in film and television to add emotion to a scene. After a close-up shot, it dissolves to the actual highlight. A dissolve is a type of post-production effect used in film and video editing. In a film transition, one sequence fades over another. Some of the footage I shot had to be cut. I had to cut out a scene in which I was attempting to chase someone, and it then showed a split screen of me and the person running. Split screen refers to the appearance of two or more separate scenes films in the same frame. I could also show a close-up of myself attempting to slash someone. A close-up shot is a type of camera shot size used in film and television to add emotion to a scene. It tightly frames an actor's face, making their reaction the focal point of the frame. I was also able to pull off the same feat with my jump scare sequences. To summarize everything. Today was an excellent day for editing. But I have yet to add the music to my film.


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